A Quarterly Inter-disciplinary open access Journal

International Journal of Reverse Pharmacology and Health Research

A Peer reviewed Open access Medical Journal

ISSN 2589-3343

IJRPHR is an open access, peer-review journal, devoted to nurture the traditional medicines through reverse pharmacology concepts and implementing it to health care system through health research methods.

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Journal Metrices

    Cite score: 0.34

    Journal Citation Impact Factor (IF): 1.11

    Scholar Journal Metrics: h-Index 10

Best Paper Award

    International Journal of Reverse Pharmacology and Health Research (IJRPHR) will give best paper award in every issue.

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IJRPHR is an open access, a peer-review journal provides an interdisciplinary platform for linking traditional knowledge/reverse pharmacology & health research methods with the latest advancements in science.

Preference will be given for contributions that from the scope of this journal and Indian traditional medicine research outcomes etc. Here is the current issue of our Journal.

Current Issue

Recent Articles

Perception of service quality and job satisfaction of Ayurvedic medical officers in Jaffna District, Sri Lanka

Sarvananthan T*,

abstract pdf

V : 178

D : 175

Role of Unani usool e ilaj in PCOS - A Case Report

Sajini Loganathan*, Rumaiza Jahufer,

abstract pdf

V : 500

D : 478

Phyto-chemical standardization of Ganthaka Parpam

Thanaranjan S *,Viviyan Sathiyaseelan,

abstract pdf

V : 624

D : 606

Sulphur (Kanthakam) in Siddha Medicine: its toxicological, Medicinal and modern aspects

Bamini Mithurendran*,

abstract pdf

V : 939

D : 627

Preliminary analysis of Siddha Preparation “Kadikkara Chendooram”– Siddha and Modern Standardization Methods

Singarajah Janani*,Vigneshwari S,Ajwad M.A.M ,

abstract pdf

V : 696

D : 691

Phytopharmacological review of Siddha medicinal herb Centella asiatica Linn. (Vallarai)

Shanjai S*, Balasubramanian K,

abstract pdf

V : 1289

D : 1013

Standardization of Siddha Poly Herbal Formulation “Karisalankanni Chooranam”

Karpagavalli K*, Srisakthi logisha M, Haripriya M, Balarasheeda B,

abstract pdf

V : 1018

D : 999

A comprehensive Literature Analysis on Maruthuva Sothidaviyal (Medical Astrology)- a Siddha diagnostic tool

Karpagavalli K*,Srisakthi logisha M,Kowsigan M,

abstract pdf

V : 1308

D : 997

Polyherbal Varmam medicine formulation Kurunthotti Kashayam - A review

Krishnapriya D *, Mahadevan MV, Muthukumar NJ,

abstract pdf

V : 1176

D : 1149

Screening for madhumegam (Pre-diabetes & diabetes mellitus) on Patients reporting in the Out patient department of Ayothidoss Pandithar Hospital  at National Institute of Siddha, Chennai.

Vignesh Kumar K*,Lakshmikantham T,Meenakumari R,

abstract pdf

V : 1040

D : 1145

Therapeutic effectiveness of a siddha formulation karuppu Vishnu chakkara mathirai : A Review

Anisha PS*,Manjari V,

abstract pdf

V : 1050

D : 1187

In-vitro Anti-Inflammatory Activity of siddha formulation Pirrandai chooranam by Protein (Albumin) denaturation Assay

Kasthuri M*, Venkatesh R, Balamurugan A,

abstract pdf

V : 1342

D : 1280

Abstracting and Indexing Information

The journal is indexed with, or included in, the following:

Scopus, Index-Copernicus, ISI Indexing, Indian Science Abstracts, DOAJ, Google Scholar, CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), Directory of Research Journals Indexing, World cat, Citefactor, ROAD, Research Bible, Global factor indexing and Open access Directory etc.