IJRPHR is an open access, peer-review journal, devoted to nurture the traditional medicines through reverse pharmacology concepts and implementing it to health care system through health research methods.
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Phytopharmacological review of Siddha medicinal herb Centella asiatica Linn. (Vallarai)
In recent day, plant research has increased all over the world. Plant-based drug discovery has drawn the attention of researchers, especially the one used as traditional medicines. Centella asiatica is an important medicinal herb that is widely used in the household to increase memory power, anti-oxidant, and even it was the part of green vegans. Locally in tamil, it was called as Vallarai. It is responsible for its wide therapeutic actions. The chemical constituents of Centella asiatica (Vallarai) have wide therapeutic applications in areas of antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, neuroprotective, antioxidant, and wound healing activities. Apart from wound healing, the herb is recommended for the treatment of various skin conditions such as leprosy, lupus, varicose ulcers, eczema, psoriasis, diarrhoea, fever, amenorrhea, diseases of the female genitourinary tract and also for relieving anxiety and improving cognition. The present review attempts to provide comprehensive information on pharmacology, mechanisms of action, various preclinical and clinical studies and current research status of the herb etc.
Vallarai, Centella asiatica, antioxidant, herbs,