Instruction for authors
Note for Article Submission
General instructions
The preferred format of all manuscripts are in MS office (2007 or above). The manuscript should be concisely typewritten in 1.5 spaces in A4 size. The pages shall be numbered consequently with a 1″ margin on all sides. The manuscript shall be prepared in Times New Roman using a font size of 12
Standard International Units should be used throughout the text. There shall not be decorative borders anywhere in the text including the title page. The manuscript should be starting with the title page and the text should be arranged in the following order based on the type of article:
Types of articles
Original Articles: These include randomized controlled clinical and drug trials, diagnostic, survey studies, intervention studies, studies of screening, outcome studies, case studies. These should be divided into sections with the headings Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Material and Methods, Observations and Results, Discussion, References, Tables and Figure legends. The general content of these sections should be as follows:
Abstract: Well
structured abstract, not more than 250 words, should clearly cover the
background, aims and objectives of the study; methods, indicating the
study protocol and statistical tests used; results, the important
observations; discussion, describing the reasoning and probabilities
for the results obtained. It should also conclude main concrete
implications of the study. The full form of the abbreviations used in
the abstract is to be given. No reference should be cited in the
Key words: A list of up to six
relevant keywords should be given.
Language and Grammar: The language of the article must be clear and direct free from grammatical mistakes. All the Siddha/Ayurvedic/Unani and Tamil or Sanskrit or any traditional medical terms terms are to be made italics and at first appearance the approximate English meaning of the terms should be given in the bracket.
Introduction: A concise account is required about the background to the subject, its significance and its relationships to earlier works with references and aims and objectives of the study.
Materials and Methods: These should be presented with sufficient clarity about preparation of drugs, authentication details, standardization process, methods used to analysis etc.
For other type of studies, details about the design of the study, the samples, type of participants or materials involved, a clear description of all interventions and comparisons, and the type of analysis used, including a power calculation if appropriate.
Ethics: A statement on ethics committee permission and ethical practices must be included in all research articles. When reporting studies on human beings, indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional or regional) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000 (available at
For prospective studies involving human participants, authors are expected to mention about approval of (regional/ national/ institutional or independent Ethics Committee or Review Board, obtaining informed consent from adult research participants and obtaining assent for children aged over 7 years participating in the trial. The age beyond which assent would be required could vary as per regional and/ or national guidelines.
Ensure confidentiality of subjects by
desisting from mentioning participants’ names, initials or
hospital numbers, especially in illustrative material. When reporting
experiments on animals, indicate whether the institution’s or
a national research council’s guide for, or any national law
on the care and use of laboratory animals was followed.
for approval by a local Ethics Committee (for both human as well as
animal studies) must be supplied by the authors on demand. Animal
experimental procedures should be as humane as possible and the details
of anesthetics and analgesics used should be clearly stated. The
ethical standards of experiments must be in accordance with the
guidelines provided by the CPCSEA and World Medical Association
Declaration of Helsinki on Ethical Principles for Medical Research
Involving Humans for studies involving experimental animals and human
beings, respectively). The journal will not consider any paper which is
ethically unacceptable. A statement on ethics committee permission and
ethical practices must be included in all research articles under the
‘Materials and Methods’ section.
Study Designs: Selection and Description of Participants: Description on selection of the observational or experimental participants (patients or laboratory animals, including controls) clearly, including eligibility and exclusion criteria and a description of the source population. Technical information: Identify the methods, apparatus (give the manufacturer's name and address in parentheses), and procedures in sufficient detail to allow other workers to reproduce the results. Give references to established methods, including statistical methods (see below); provide references and brief descriptions for methods that have been published but are not well known; describe new or substantially modified methods, give reasons for using them, and evaluate their limitations. Identify precisely all drugs and chemicals used, including generic name(s), dose(s), and route(s) of administration.
Reports of randomized clinical trials should present information on all major study elements, including the protocol, assignment of interventions (methods of randomization, concealment of allocation to treatment groups), and the method of masking (blinding), based on the CONSORT Statement (
Reporting Guidelines for Specific Study Designs (
Initiative |
Type of Study |
Source |
Randomized controlled trials |
Studies of diagnostic accuracy |
Systematic reviews and meta-analyses | |
Observational studies in epidemiology |
Meta-analyses of observational studies in epidemiology | |
Statistics: Whenever possible quantify findings and present them with appropriate indicators of measurement error or uncertainty (such as confidence intervals). Authors should report losses to observation (such as, dropouts from a clinical trial). When data are summarized in the Results section, specify the statistical methods used to analyze them. Avoid non-technical uses of technical terms in statistics, such as 'random' (which implies a randomizing device), 'normal', 'significant', 'correlations', and 'sample'. Define statistical terms, abbreviations, and most symbols. Specify the computer software used. Use upper italics (P 0.048). For all P values include the exact value and not less than 0.05 or 0.001. Mean differences in continuous variables, proportions in categorical variables and relative risks including odds ratios and hazard ratios should be accompanied by their confidence intervals.
Observations and Results: The original and important findings should be stated. Illustrate results with figures or tables wherever necessary but these should be kept to the minimum.
Discussion: The principal conclusions drawn from the results and their important implications should be discussed. The interventions, possible adversities and observed drug reactions may also be discussed.
Conclusion: This should state clearly the main conclusions of the research and give a clear explanation of their importance and relevance. Summary of important illustrations may be included.
Review Article:
Standard reviews on concepts/ fundamental principles/diseases/drug(s) with updated scientific facts in contemporary era are published. These are supposed to be written by individuals who have done substantial work on the subject or are considered as experts in the field. The general format of the review article is same as mentioned above. The section titles would depend upon the topic reviewed. Authors submitting review article should include a section describing the methods used for locating, selecting, extracting, and synthesizing data. These methods should also be summarized in the abstract. The journal expects the contributors to give post-publication updates on the subject of review. The update should be brief, covering the advances in the field after the publication of the article and should be sent as a letter to editor, as and when major development occurs in the field.
Case reports/Series/Brief communication
New, interesting and rare cases can be reported. They should be unique, describing a great diagnostic or therapeutic challenge and providing a learning point for the readers. Cases with clinical significance or implications will be given priority. These communications should have the following headings: Abstract (unstructured), Key-words, Introduction, Case report, Discussion, Reference, Tables and Legends in that order. Refer CARE guidelines for checklists.
Letter to the Editor
The letters regarding the content of the published matter in the journal, suggestions and updates can be communicated to Executive Editor. These should be short and decisive observations. They should not be preliminary observations that need a later paper for validation.
References: These should be numbered consecutively in order in which they are first mentioned in the text (not in alphabetic order) and placed as endnote. In the text they should be indicated above the line (superscripted).
Use the style of the examples mentioned below, which are based on the formats used by the NLM in Index Medicus. The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used in Index Medicus.
Use complete name of the journal for non-indexed journals. Avoid using abstracts as references. Information from manuscripts submitted but not accepted should be cited in the text as "unpublished observations" with written permission from the source.
Avoid citing a "personal communication" unless it provides essential information not available from a public source, in which case the name of the person and date of communication should be cited in parentheses in the text.
The commonly cited types of references are shown here, for other types of references such as newspaper items please refer to ICMJE Guidelines ( or ).
Articles in Journals (or use Zotero/endnote)
Books and Other Monographs or use Zotero/endnote
Electronic Sources as references (Web pages) or use Zotero/endnote