A Quarterly Inter-disciplinary open access Journal

International Journal of Reverse Pharmacology and Health Research

ISSN 2589-3343

IJRPHR is an open access, peer-review journal, devoted to nurture the traditional medicines through reverse pharmacology concepts and implementing it to health care system through health research methods.

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Volume( 5) - Issue( 1) 2022 pp 186-188 DOI: 10.121/ijrphr/05.0101.521

Antimicrobial study of Siddha drug Elathi mathirai


Antimicrobial study of Siddha drug Elathi mathirai


The uses of drugs derived from herbal medicines are on the rise in recent decades. Microbiology has proven to be one of the crucial sciences Siddha system exploits plant extracts to treat many diseases. plant extract found to possess antimicrobial properties for many decades. In Siddha literature there are indications to use elathy mathirai for respiratory diseases. So need of the hour is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of antimicrobial properties of siddha drugs.  This study aims to  explore and evaluate the anti microbial properties of Elathy  mathirai ,a siddha poly herbal tablet.


Siddha formulation, Anti-microbial activity, Elathi mathirai