A Quarterly Inter-disciplinary open access Journal

International Journal of Reverse Pharmacology and Health Research

ISSN 2589-3343

IJRPHR is an open access, peer-review journal, devoted to nurture the traditional medicines through reverse pharmacology concepts and implementing it to health care system through health research methods.

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Volume( 3) - Issue( 1) 2020 pp 33-36 DOI: 10.121/ijrphr/02.0204.382

Preliminary Chemical analysis of Kirumi ennai-polyherbo-mineral formulae in Siddha


Preliminary Chemical analysis of Kirumi ennai-polyherbo-mineral formulae in Siddha


Siddha system is one of the oldest systems of medicine in India.The term ‘Siddha’ means achievements and ‘Siddhars’ were saintly persons who achieved results in medicine.The knowledge of plants and minerals were of very high order and they were fully acquainted with almost all the branches of science.The active phytochemical constituents of individual plants are inadequate and do not give desirable therapeutic effects ,when polyherbal and herbo-mineral formulations combining the multiple herbs in peticulous ratio,it will give an enhanced therapeutic effect and decrease the toxicity.Kirumi ennai is a polyherbo-mineral formula in siddha is used to treat Kudal kirumikal (Worm infestation) in children. This paper describes the qualitative analysis of  Kirumi ennai .The phytochemical analysis of Kirumi ennaiindicates the presence of calcium,sulphate,chloride,starch,tannic acid,unsaturated compound,reducing sugar and amino acid revealed the enhancement of therapeutic action in Kudal kirumikal (Worm infestation).


Kirumi ennai, Kudal kirumikal (Worm infestation), Phytochemical analysis, Siddha system.