A Quarterly Inter-disciplinary open access Journal

International Journal of Reverse Pharmacology and Health Research

ISSN 2589-3343

IJRPHR is an open access, peer-review journal, devoted to nurture the traditional medicines through reverse pharmacology concepts and implementing it to health care system through health research methods.

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Volume( 2) - Issue( 3) 2019 pp 42-48 DOI: 10.121/ijrphr/02.0203.355

A Comparative Chemical analytical study of Ferroso Ferric Oxide (Mandooram) on before and after purification


A Comparative Chemical analytical study of Ferroso Ferric Oxide (Mandooram) on before and after purification


Introduction Purified Ferroso Ferric Oxide (Mandooram) is being used in Siddha system of Medicine for curing anaemia , amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia, chlorosis, diarrhoea, chronic bowel complaints, dyspepsia, intestinal worms, nervous diseases, trigeminal neuralgia, albuminuria, kidney diseases,etc. thus is no adverse effect during the use of this drug so far. Objective To find out the chemical compounds present in the Mandooram Methodology Physio-chemical parameters, preliminary tests, tests for Acid Radicals, Tests for Basic Radicals and Other constituents with international parameters. Result The chemical analysis also will helpful to find out the other heavy metals and unwanted compounds project in the Mandooram from this analysis the active pharmacological and toxic compounds may be identified. Conclusion The physio-chemical analysis shows that some chemical compounds disappeared after purification. So the purification. Process of raw drug applied applied in Siddha system of medicine is essential before drug preparation.This study will be altered to further research in Mandooram.


Mandooram (Ferroso Ferric Oxide),Purification, Qualitative Chemical Analysis