A Quarterly Inter-disciplinary open access Journal

International Journal of Reverse Pharmacology and Health Research

ISSN 2589-3343

IJRPHR is an open access, peer-review journal, devoted to nurture the traditional medicines through reverse pharmacology concepts and implementing it to health care system through health research methods.

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Volume( 2) - Issue( 1) 0 pp 13-15 DOI: 10.121/ijrphr/02.0213.305

The Spectroscopic analysis of Siddha drug Kadukkai Chooranam


The Spectroscopic analysis of Siddha drug Kadukkai Chooranam


Background:   The Kadukkaiis a one of the main ingredient in triphalachooranam,for the long period kadukkai is used separately and compound preparation was used in siddha system. The various collections of siddha literatures found kaddukkai is a good antioxidant, antimicrobial and Hypoglycemic  activities.kaddukkaichoornam (kc)is separatly used in siddha system, for treated anemia  and diabetic dyslipidemic state. So, standardization of herbal drugkc is very essential toproved the efficacy and avoid toxicity for long term use.ln this study attempt is to revalidate the pharmacological process of preparation of kc, which have been discussed about modern spectroscopic characterization and elemental quantification ofKadukkaichooranam(kc). Objective: To found the morphology and chemical characterization of the herbal plant formulation of KadukkaiChooranam. Methods: The KC is determined by qualitative and quantitativemodern  analytical methods such as phytochemistry,SEM,XDR and FTIR.Theanalytical study of kcby using SEM, and found the trace elements by applied Energy dispersive X-ray analysis instrumentedsuccessfully detect Functional Group of kcthrough FTIR study.The above study is comparedWHO guidance and correlation with  the results. Results:  The  aboveresultsfoundthe  minimum and maximum average Particle Sizes between 101 μm to 1115μm in 10 µm view and 107 μm to 1244μm in 100 µm respectively. The further kcis  mostly presence of Nitro compounds, alkenes, alcoholic compounds and trace elements like Zinc,Selenium,Calcium,Potassium and Magnesium. Conclusion: The Kadukkaichooranam is scientifically proved to prolonged  usage. All the scientific data showed permissible limitations,which it is correlated by who guidelines.Thephytochemical  analysis  also performed, the results showed kc is contain phenols,flavonoids and tannic acid.so,kc is safer and for using longer period.


Kadukkai, Kadukkaichooranam, SiddhaMedicine,instrument,phytochemistry