A Quarterly Inter-disciplinary open access Journal

International Journal of Reverse Pharmacology and Health Research

ISSN 2589-3343

IJRPHR is an open access, peer-review journal, devoted to nurture the traditional medicines through reverse pharmacology concepts and implementing it to health care system through health research methods.

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Volume( 2) - Issue( 2) 2019 pp 89-92 DOI: 10.121/ijrphr/02.0203.339

Therapeutic plant of Siddha Medicine having anticancer effects: A Review


Therapeutic plant of Siddha Medicine having anticancer effects: A Review


Cancer is a well know dreadful diseases all over the world. Several research data possessing that, southern part of India has reported more cancer cases in the last decades. Siddha system of medicine has its unique way of treating very rare and life threatening diseases, In that way this system have its own way of clinical aspects, diagnosis, treatment and management of complications for almost all 4448 diseases mentioned in its literature. In siddha cancer is mentioned by various names (synonyms) such as putru, kazhzalai, sathai valarchi ,vipuruthi etc. Apart from the literatures has mentioned anatomical part based indication for specific drugs such as Kanna Putru (Oral cancer), Linga Putru (Male Genital cancer), Sthana Putru (Breast cancer) etc. In this work, reviewed the indications for several herbs exclusive for cancer and their recent research on cancer were recorded. The data suggesting that, the selected herbs showing potent anticancer activity in invitro and animal model of research. Furthermore intention to raise awareness among public to promote siddha medicine for the management of various types of cancers.


Cancer, anticancer, herbal remedies, siddha medicine,