IJRPHR is an open access, peer-review journal, devoted to nurture the traditional medicines through reverse pharmacology concepts and implementing it to health care system through health research methods.
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A case series study of Thandagavatham (lumbo sacral strain) with Siddha medicine along with Siddhar Yogam therapy
The ancient Siddha system of medicine is not only a medicine but a life science of wellness. Siddhars not only contributed medicine but also knowledge of eternity alchemy and yogic living Siddhars attained longevity by Attanga yogam. Asanam is the part of Attanga yogam, which have both preventive and curative property in the management of various disorders. Lumbo sacral strain is one of the most common problem in middle age group. Which occurs due to sedentary lifestyle, weight lifting, prolonged sitting and driving. More number patients suffering from low back pain .on the basic high prevalence of low back pain and also in National Institute of Siddha considerable number of cases Thandagavatham reported daily .with this background the author has chosen Thandagavatham (Lumbo sacral strain) with Yogam therapy.
Siddha medicine, Siddhar Yogam Therapy , Thandagavatham , Low back strain,