A Quarterly Inter-disciplinary open access Journal

International Journal of Reverse Pharmacology and Health Research

ISSN 2589-3343

IJRPHR is an open access, peer-review journal, devoted to nurture the traditional medicines through reverse pharmacology concepts and implementing it to health care system through health research methods.

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Volume( 1) - Issue( 2) 2018 pp 154-159 DOI: 0

A Review on Medications Prescribed for Eraippu in Selected Classical Siddha Literatures at Government Siddha Medical College and Hospital Palayamkottai From May 2018 To August 2018


A Review on Medications Prescribed for Eraippu in Selected Classical Siddha Literatures at Government Siddha Medical College and Hospital Palayamkottai From May 2018 To August 2018


BACKGROUND: Asthma is characterized by recurrent episodes of wheezing, shortness of breath ,chest tightness, and coughing. Asthma ranks amongest the most common chronic ailments of the globe. It is estimated that 300 million people worldwide suffer from asthma. Annually, 250,000 deaths are attributed to asthma, and its complications. Indian council of medical research(ICMR) established the prevalence of adult bronchial asthma to be 2.38%. In our country, the disease is under-recognized and undertreated. The world health organization(WHO) estimates that asthma contributes to the loss of 15 million disability – adjusted life years. As there is no curable drug not available in any other system of medicine for Asthma.In this condition this is  need for evaluation in new drugs . The variants siddha poly herbal,mineral drugs were mentioned in manuscripts and text books.This  study focuses on different Siddha formulations to cure in arthritis. This includes chendhuram, parpam,chunnam, mathirai,melugu, kuzhambu,chooranam,manappagu,thailam, pattru formulations wereused in siddha system of medicines.This information provides intensive keyhole for the development of potential anti-arthritic drugs.  AIM: This study is taken to review and document selected Siddha literatures which mentions about the medicines of disease Eraippu. MATERIALS AND METHODS:This is a literature review, Descriptive study,detailed search will be performed in library of Government Siddha Medical College & Hospital Palayamkottai using search terms "Eraippu" from May 2018 - August 2018. RESULTS: From this study, Internal medicines are more available for eraippu, particularly single herbal medicines are highly mentioned for Eraippu. And also chooranam form of medicines is indicated then other form of medicines. CONCLUSION:It is concluded, many types of medicines are prescribed for Eraippu. If, those medicines are  further researched and well used in treatment, the disease Eraippu is approached better.


Siddha, Eraippu, Asthma,Literature review