A Quarterly Inter-disciplinary open access Journal

International Journal of Reverse Pharmacology and Health Research

ISSN 2589-3343

IJRPHR is an open access, peer-review journal, devoted to nurture the traditional medicines through reverse pharmacology concepts and implementing it to health care system through health research methods.

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Research article , : 2019 | Volume: 2 | Issue: 4 | Pages : 86-92

Case study on Management of “VathaNoi” - Traditional view

Corresponding author: Janani S*, Ajwad MAM, Tharshanodayan NJQ,

Name : Janani S
Affliation :
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Sri Lanka is a country of rich heritage, one of which is its indigenous system of Medicine, which has been practiced by the people since time immemorial. Most of the indigenous medical practitioners in the island were treating many patients daily. Maximum number of patients was attended by trained practitioners.Therefore this study was carried out to explore the traditional management methods for “Vathanoi” of particular traditional physicianand this was an observational case studyreport.The study was conducted at own clinic oftraditional practitioner. The informationwas collected from a patient. The selectedpatient was63 year old lady presented with severe pain and swelling in her both knee joints for 2 years and back pain for 7 months. After the proper history and examination, the diagnosed arrived by the physician as a type of “Vathanoi” and the drug was given by the traditional practitioner and the patient was instructed about the application method of the drug and follows up / next visit to the hospital. The patient was clearly examined in every visit and measurements were obtained. After 40 days of drug giving, the patient was showed a marked reduction of swelling in the both knee joints and significant improvement in the knee and back pain also. Thus it can be concluded that, theKurunthoddiverthailum and fomentation (Oththu)are very effective in Management of “VathaNoi” in traditional view.


VathaNoikal,Kurunthoddiver thailum, fomentation, Oththu