A Quarterly Inter-disciplinary open access Journal

International Journal of Reverse Pharmacology and Health Research

ISSN 2589-3343

IJRPHR is an open access, peer-review journal, devoted to nurture the traditional medicines through reverse pharmacology concepts and implementing it to health care system through health research methods.

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Research article , : 2019 | Volume: 2 | Issue: 3 | Pages : 1-4

Biochemical Analysis of Siddha Polyherbal Drug Siru Vilvathi Elagam

Corresponding author: Sociya Parvin M*,Easwari D,Shyamala K,

Name : Sociya Parvin M
Affliation :
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Background :             Siddha system of medicine is one  among the ancient medical science which is propounded and practiced by eminent spiritual scientists called “Siddhars”. More than 2 billion people around the world are suffering from anemia. It is widespread health problem ,particularly in developing counties .siddha system deals with different types of diseases, Among varies types of diseases “MannunVeluppuNoi”(Iron Deficiency Anemia) causes serious health problem in many developing countries particularly in pediatric age group. SiruVilvathiElagam is a polyherbal drug which is used to treat “MannunVeluppuNoi”(Iron Deficiency Anemia). Objective :             The objective of this study was to evaluate  the biochemical analysis of the drug -SiruVilvathiElagam. Methods:             Biochemical analysis of SiruVilvathiElagam is obtained by extraction method(i.e) Drug were dissolved in distilled water and allowed to cool and filtered ,this filtered fluid is taken for analysis. Result :             Biochemical analysis of the SiruVilvathiElagamcontains calcium, sulphate , ferrous iron, unsaturated compound & amino acid. Conclution :             From the above results obtained from biochemical analysis ofSiruVilvathiElagam,our finding concluded that the drug SiruVilvathiElagam will be effective in treating the disease “MannunVeluppuNoi”(IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA).  


MannunVeluppuNoi, Iron Deficiency Anemia, SiruVilvathiElagam, Biochemical Analysis.