A Quarterly Inter-disciplinary open access Journal

International Journal of Reverse Pharmacology and Health Research

ISSN 2589-3343

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Review Article , : 2019 | Volume: 2 | Issue: 1 | Pages : 21-24

Review of Paandu noi with reference to Siddha Medicine

Corresponding author: Murugamoorthy Thusiyanthan*,Thusiyanthan Kalaichelvi,Tharshanodayan NJQ,Neelavathy R,

Name : Murugamoorthy Thusiyanthan
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Around 30 % of adolescent boys are suffering from anemia, the report states. The hemoglobin count in most of the adolescent girls in India is less than the standard 12 g/deciliter. Anemia is common disorder of blood and a global health problem.In modern term defined as decrease in the total amount of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood. The symptoms are pallor, dizziness, shortness of breath, palpitation, easily fatigue and loss of energy.The nearest correlation of anemia can be made with Paandunoi in Siddha. This review explains the basic understanding and description of Paandunoi (Anemia) symptomatology resembles with symptoms of modern anemia. Data was collected from Siddha text bookAgasthiyargunavahadam related to modern aspect.Paandu is classified as five types based on humoral pathology VathaPaandu, PithaPaandu, KapaPaandu. Based on toxaemia refers VidaPaandu. Apart from these other classification MiruthikaPaandu. The yester generation has dictated the treatment guide lines as health foods by adding a lot of Greens, Palm jaggery, Conception of fruits and so on. Siddha system has given a proper treatment guide lines for anemia. The relationship between the ancient Siddha aspect sagacity and modern classification of Paandu is mostly same.


Paandu, Vatha,Pitha, Kapa, Vida, Miruthika