A Quarterly Inter-disciplinary open access Journal

International Journal of Reverse Pharmacology and Health Research

ISSN 2589-3343

IJRPHR is an open access, peer-review journal, devoted to nurture the traditional medicines through reverse pharmacology concepts and implementing it to health care system through health research methods.

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Research article , : 0 | Volume: 2 | Issue: 1 | Pages : 16-20

A Spectroscopic and FTIR analysis of Siddha Mineral drug Appalakara Chooranam

Corresponding author: Thavakeethan P*,Manoharan A,

Name : Thavakeethan P
Affliation :
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Background: The Siddha system of medicine is one among part of the AYUSH system.The siddha medicine is using various clinical conditions,especially  in degenerative diseases and gastro intestinal disorders .Almost it has prepared the medicines from Herbals ,Minerals salts and Metalsas well as the marine and animals products also used in the system. The drug Appalakarachooraranam is basically salt in taste and crystal powder in nature which is widely used in siddha medicine for Gastro –intestinal disorders. Objective: To explore the morphology and elemental characterization of the mineral salt Appalakarachooranam Methods: The structural morphology and characteristic features using in SEM, determination of trace elements by Energy dispersive X-ray analysis and Functional Group through FTIRstudy. It can be correlated in WHO recommended parameters for confirmed the standardizations in above drug. Results:  The resultscorrelated in SEM analysis showed Average Particle Size ranges from 296 μm to 2792 μm.In FTIR studies should markedly increase value from 3462.22 to 3695.61 respectively, which is indicated its contains most of them in Phenolic compound,Halo compound and Isothiocyanate.In EDAX experiment results showed most of them contains Sodium&Potassium. Conclusion: All the modern scientific parameters provide it is minimal size particals and good characteristic nature of the drug. SoAppalakarachooranam is highly therapeutic and bio availability value used cured in gastro intestinal tract diseases.


Siddha Medicine, Appalakarachooranam, Sodium Carbonate